Sonya Sitnenskaya, 12 years old, malignant tumor of the right thigh – Ewing's sarcoma, an operation is required to implant an endoprosthesis at the University Hospital (Munster, Germany), course treatment required, 106,123.00 USD

The surgery for Sonya Sitnenskaya was successfully paid. Thank you!

Sonya Sitnenskaya, 12 years old, malignant tumor of the right thigh – Ewing's sarcoma, an operation is required to implant an endoprosthesis at the University Hospital (Munster, Germany), course treatment required, <nobr>106,123.00 USD</nobr>

Ten years ago my daughter was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - Ewing's sarcoma. The doctors said that there were no prostheses for such small children, and they suggested amputation of the leg. In desperation, we turned to a German clinic, and they told us that they would try to save Sonya's leg. And they really did save it by using the prosthetic arm of an adult. Since then, we have continually traveled to Germany for surgeries to expand the prosthesis, each time its length had to be increased by one or two centimeters. Finally, the time has come when it became possible to install a new endoprosthesis with an activated motor for Sonya, which can be moved apart without surgery. But then the covid epidemic began, and the operation had to be postponed for almost two years. During this time, Sonya has grown a lot, and she has a huge difference in the length of her legs - seventeen centimeters. My daughter could only walk with crutches. At the beginning of August, doctors finally performed an operation, but the prosthesis they installed can only increase the length of the leg by five centimeters, which will not change the situation. Therefore, the doctors planned to perform another operation, and put in another endoprosthesis, which will have an extension resource of another five to six centimeters. This will allow her later to use orthopedic shoes, and my daughter will not limp so much. The clinic presented a huge bill. We are not able to pay it. Thanks to your help, we were able to take this long journey, thank you very much for not leaving us now. Please help us again, there is no one else we can turn to!

Konstantin Sitnensky, Orenburg region, Russia.
Photo from the family archive


Head of the Department of General and Tumor Surgery at the University Hospital Georg Gossheger (Münster): “This young girl has a large difference in the length of her legs, which formed as the child grew intensively. This creates big problems when walking and worsens her quality of life. Now, in order to reduce the difference in leg length, Sonya needs the next operation to replace the installed prosthesis and further compensate for the difference in leg length with a growing prosthesis (a special implant made to individual measurements).”