Liza Khomenko, 4 years old, neurofibromatosis, false joint of the left shin, requires surgical treatment at St. Mary’s Hospital (West Palm Beach, Florida, USA), course treatment required, 8,520.00 USD

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Liza Khomenko, 4 years old, neurofibromatosis, false joint of the left shin, requires surgical treatment at St. Mary’s Hospital (West Palm Beach, Florida, USA), course treatment required, <nobr>8,520.00 USD</nobr>

Liza is our long-awaited and only daughter. Her arrival in this world was a moment of great happiness for us. But the problems that our baby needed to face from the first months of her life were not at all child’s play. Liza was born with a good height and weight, the doctors said that our girl was big and healthy and our joy knew no bounds. But I noticed that her left leg seemed to be sprained. The nurse calmed me down, saying that I shouldn’t worry: this was because of the tension of the muscles, and everything could be corrected with a massage. But after two weeks, for my own peace of mind, I took my daughter to an X-ray anyway. It turned out that Liza had a congenital deformity of the left shin.

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Dr. Dror Paley, Orthopedic surgeon at St. Mary’s Hospital (West Palm Beach, Florida, USA): “Lisa has neurofibromatosis, a false joint of the left shin. My technique does not involve removal of the joint. We will carry out surgery on the girl, during which the pathological tissue which is surrounding the bone and damaging it will be removed. Afterwards, in order to strengthen the bones of the left leg, we will install special sliding rods in them. A transplant will be created from the pelvic bone to further strengthen the tibia and fibula bones. The periosteum of the pelvic bone will be used to replace the soft tissues that were removed during the previous surgical treatment. Such a surgical technique allows the prevention of severe complications, such as a difference in leg length and deformity of the knee and foot. The treatment prognosis is positive.”